Did Kenny Chesney STEAL Our Song?

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Did Kenny Chesney steal our song? On May 1, 2020, Kenny Chesney released a song and an album titled Here and Now. On May 6, 2013, almost 7 years exactly before that we, Dominica and Rory, released our top 100 song and album both titled, you guessed it, Here and Now.
It’s a great story and we share a comparison of the two songs and let you decide if he stole our song or not, but more importantly we discuss intellectual property rights in music and business so that you know what you can do if you find yourself in a similar situation.
“Your ego and desire to be right could potentially ruin you.” – Rory Carruthers
“Always have your plan and strategy in place before filing your copyright, trademark or paten.” – Dominica Lumazar

Some Topics Discussed Include:
- The difference between intellectual property and copyright
- The three main types of Intellectual property
- How copyright lawsuits play out in a courtroom
- 7 effective ways to protect your intellectual property
- How to respond if you believe someone has stolen your intellectual property
Resources and Links Mentioned:
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