
Christopher Bright

Making The Most of What You Have and Constantly Adapting featuring Christopher Bright

In this episode of The Big Picture Business Podcast, hosts Dominica Lumazar and Rory Carruthers bring their first guest on the show—the talented musician and entrepreneur, Christopher Bright. Christopher is a #1 International Bestselling Author and an artist who has performed in over 50 bands, has taught hundreds of students, and has credits in over 500 songs. His endeavors musically have amassed him earnings of over half a million dollars. He is also…

How To Be Awesome at Anything in 5 Minutes

How To Be Awesome at Anything in 5 Minutes

In this episode of The Big Picture Business Podcast, Dominica Lumazar and Rory Carruthers go over a multitude of enticing topics. One of the main topics is mindset vs tactics and where they come into play in business. Our experts also share strategies on how to become better than 95% of people at anything within a week and how to be awesome at…

The Art of Putting Your Clients First

The Art of Putting Your Clients First

In this episode of The Big Picture Podcast, Dominica Lumazar and Rory Carruthers use their business marketing expertise to assist you on your path to reaching your big picture goals. Diving deep into strategies for putting your clients first, they provide valuable insights into why this client-first approach is the most effective way for growing your business and how it leads to deeper, lasting client relationships. This episode also touches on…

How To Raise Your Rates and Build Relationships

How To Raise Your Rates and Build Partnerships

In this episode of The Big Picture Podcast, Dominica Lumazar and Rory Carruthers go in-depth on how to know when to raise your rates. They also share how to move clients and customers through stages to build deeper connections that lead to higher earnings. Along with these two significant points, they also discuss…

Positive Mindset Smiling in the Face of Fear

Positive Mindset – Smiling in the Face of Fear

This episode of the Big Picture Business Podcast, hosted by #1 International Best-Selling Authors and business magnates, Dominica Lumazar and Rory Carruthers, explores some of the mindset strategies that lead to success. As an entrepreneur, you must be willing to smile in the face of fear, acknowledge that looking to the future will not affect your present-day situation, and adapt your…

Seeing The Big Picture In Business

Seeing The Big Picture in Business

In this first episode, our hosts focus on some of the keys to business success during these challenging times, including adaptability, perseverance, credibility, and value. They share how these traits have helped them and their clients in the past and currently to continue to find success even during…

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