How To Grow On Instagram


00:00 – Welcome Chris and Eric Martinez
01:37 – How Chris and Eric became fitness professionals
04:10 – Layne Norton
04:40 – Dynamic Duo Training
05:39 – The importance of case studies and social proof
06:06 – Care first, profit second
06:30 – The H.A.C Method to separate yourself from others online
07:21 – Always serve others above yourself
08:13 – How to grow your business with Social media
08:38 – How to get a stranger to become a buyer
08:46 – How to build trust with your audience
09:11 – The importance of hiring mentors and coaches
09:30 – How your smartphone is your best business tool
10:09 – Take imperfect action
10:41 – Making the leap from business owner to business coach
10:58 – Tai Lopez mastermind
11:07 – How to scale or pivot
11:40 – How Rory changes lives and is the ultimate business mentor!
13:49 – Why you can’t run ads for only a month.
14:29 – Focus your marketing plan on the following steps in the right order
15:00 – Instagram strategies to improve engagement and followers
15:32 – Social media content creation tool: V.I.R.S. Model
16:23 – The 7 neighborhoods of Instagram
16:57 – The 5 pillars of know, like & trust
18:11 – How to overcome self-limiting beliefs
18:45 – 5 internal fears and dealing with imposter syndrome
19:39 – Build your EQ Emotional resilience as an entrepreneur
20:20 – Mornings should not be reactive
20:52 – How Chris starts every morning
21:44 – How Eric starts every day
22:27 – Tips to getting grounded and having “me time” as a parent
23:30 – What would Chris and Eric be doing if they weren’t fitness coaches and business mentors?
24:26 – What’s the biggest blessing from Covid-19?
25:31 – Why Chris and Eric Moved from L.A. to Texas
26-38 – Why Chris and Eric love coaching
27:51 – What would Rory be doing if he wasn’t a marketing and business consultant?
18:12 – What would Dominica be doing if she wasn’t a marketing and business consultant?
29:01 – Dynamic Lifestyle Podcast
29:33 – The benefits of having your own podcast
30:02 – Advice for podcast beginners
33:06 – Special offer: Rise of the fit pros (Digital and audio for free)
33:40 –
33:51 – Connect with Chris and Eric on Instagram @chrisandericmartinez

Dominica Lumazar
Welcome to another episode of The BPB Podcast. Thanks so much for being with us today. I’m so excited you guys. It’s been a long time coming when Rory and I first got this podcast off the ground. These guys were top of the list of who we wanted to have on the podcast. So we’re so so excited to introduce you to the twin brothers Chris and Eric Martinez. They’re number one international best selling authors. They are the founders of dynamic duo training, an online exercise nutrition and lifestyle consulting business. And Chris and Eric are also business coaches themselves. They help personal trainers and fitness professionals and health enthusiasts grow their online fitness businesses. So hi, guys.

Thanks for being here.

Eric Martinez
Thank you so much for for that and just I love the energy and yeah, this is this will be a fun episode. There’s just like I said, before we hit the record button. There’s a lot of history. And honestly, I got nothing but gratitude towards both you guys. I’m sure we’ll get into that. But I’m excited. I mean, I don’t know Chris is ready for this. I’m definitely ready.

Chris Martinez
This guy’s trying to steal the show all the time. And I’m ready.

Dominica Lumazar
You guys. He’s got shades on for those of you watching. Yeah, you got some sweet.

Eric Martinez
Got to protect the eyes too much screen time.

Chris Martinez
He’s trying to look cool.

Rory Carruthers
It’s crazy with how much we’re all on screens these days. You have to really think about those things.

Eric Martinez
Yeah. And I’ve been getting like, honestly, like when I started, especially wearing these what I’ve gotten like little migraines now I was just like, hmm, you know what, I better just be cautious about it. And they do make a big difference though.

Chris Martinez
So much Instagram scrolling

Dominica Lumazar
Oh my gosh. Well, for those that are watching and listening that don’t know you guys, like, tell the people how did you get into fitness in general? If how, What’s your story? How did you get here?

Eric Martinez
Yeah, absolutely. So I guess I’ll just kick this off and take the audience 18 years back, and it just who that sounds that makes me sound old. It really does. But Time flies, but I’ll take you guys back. So it was a we were 17 years old. It was three days before Christmas. And we grew up in a really picture perfect life with our family. Our father was a correctional officer at San Quentin State Prison. So he was like our role model, mentor everything to us. And you know, growing up, he always instilled work ethic education, and he was really hard on us. And I always think back now like, man, like I understood why he did that, because it all kind of there’s all those traits carried off towards us. So three nights before Christmas, at the age of 17. We get a knock on the door. And it was a California Highway Patrol officer, and a chaplin, so not a good combination, especially at three in the morning. So I remember waking up and literally I thought I was in a nightmare. And I never woke up from that nightmare. It was the reality of it. I saw my mom just screaming bloody murder on her knees at the front door. And they had told her that he passed away and he fell asleep behind the wheel. And he died instantly. So right then and there, our whole life was just turned around. And then three months later, my mom’s mom died due to cancer. So it was like a ton of bricks just hit our family, especially my mom being married to her husband for 30 years. So I felt like a lot like we lost like a part of my mom, you know, it just she wasn’t the same person. She didn’t know how to deal with that grief in this, like all that tragedy. And she turned to alcohol to antidepressant pills. So Chris and I were just pretty much lost. I mean, our older brother, he went in a different direction dealing with that, like that lost in his own way. So I feel like we only had each other, you know, and thank God for that. But you know, we went down a dark path as well, too. We turned to alcohol, we got into some trouble with like the law and everything things that we weren’t, you know, too proud of. But, you know, we didn’t know any better. We were really lost and just, you know, angry kids. So that the thing that really just got us out of that what I call hell was going to the gym and just alleviating all that stress and anger just working out. That was probably like the best medicine. And then we were just going through the motions, just doing our undergraduate stuff, still kind of honoring what our father wanted was to you know, graduate from college. So we honored that. We just were going through the motions. And then we were just one day flipping through a magazine. It was a muscular development magazine. It was just this guy called Layne Norton. And he was like super ripped. He was jacked. And we’re just like, wow, like, this is cool. And he has a PhD in nutrition. We’re like something’s gravitating towards us. So Chris reached out to him. And then we actually had the pleasure of just like, you know, being coached by him and mentoring. And he mentored us. So we were like students, sponges, just soaking up everything for a couple years. And then one time and then one day, we had a huge epiphany. And we’re like, Look, we saw everything he’s doing, like maybe some of the things he wasn’t doing, right? We’re like, there’s two of us, we can start our own business and model this. So we did that. And that was our business called dynamic duo training. So we had that for about seven years steady, did really well with that serve over 1000 clients through health and fitness all around the world. And then last three years, we kind of pivoted just completely to b2b coaching for fitness pros helping them create more income impact, influence and independence. wrote a couple books did some speaking engagements. And then yeah, I think Chris has like an aspiring beauty bar for eyebrows.

Dominica Lumazar
they are fantastic waiting

Chris Martinez
I was for waiting for it. That’s the story though. Yeah,

Dominica Lumazar
guys, what an intense story. But yet you turn such a really sad tragedy into something just beautiful. And it really carries on your father’s legacy in a really beautiful way.

Eric Martinez
So thanks, guys.

Dominica Lumazar

Chris Martinez
thank you.

Rory Carruthers
We’ve known each other for about four and a half years This was before you guys even started coaching other fitness professionals, my company helped you guys with your books. And what really impressed me right from the very beginning with you guys is the amount of case studies that you guys have for for your fitness for your your coaching business. I mean, it’s crazy what you guys have been able to do. And I was like, we need the world to know about these guys, because they’re doing great things. I was just so impressed that that you guys were getting those types of results with your clients. And, you know, we’ve had so many discussions over the years, but the thing that really stood out is how much you guys actually really care about the people you work with. And, you know, I’ve said that so many times on this podcast, if you care about the results that you’re getting other people your business will flourish.

Chris Martinez
Exactly. Yeah. And that’s just one thing, honestly, like we’ve always really put at the forefront was just taking care of our clients and truly caring. And that’s something we teach our fit pros right now there’s an acronym we kind of came up with called hack, right? H.A.C. And we teach them you got to give your clients hope, you got to give them accountability, and you got to give them certainty. So those are the things that are really going to make you you know, be separated from other coaches or even business professionals out there going into the 2021. Because just look at everything that we’ve gone through this past year, you know, as a society as a nation, right? That is what people need right now is hope, accountability and certainty. So I appreciate that Rory, that’s something we’ve always been machines as just like, you know, really helping people out. But then like getting the case studies in the social proof, which is, a lot of people, they don’t do that type of stuff. And it’s something you have to do is like build your library of case studies and showcase that to the world.

Eric Martinez
And I think really quick to add to that. And really quick, thank you for that, Rory, I really appreciate that. But I think at an early age, when we started off with this journey, like we were always just, it was never about us, we understood that this business is about serving other people. And for any entrepreneur just starting off, you know, that’s something I really, you know, emphasize for you to really understand is that your business is not about you. It’s about the impact in service you’re creating to others.

Dominica Lumazar
Amen. Seriously, yeah, I mean, you guys are really driving that point home. For all of our listeners who listened to any other episodes, we talked about that a lot. And so that’s so it’s so wonderful. And I actually remember when wery first introduced me to you guys. First off, he’s like, you have to check this out. We were just scrolling through, like all the different case studies, the testimonials and like, legit results, and it’s so wildly impressive. And speaking of impressive, like you guys are just blown up on Instagram, your social media is out of control. It’s so fun to watch you guys on live, really entertaining stuff. Tell us about social media and how that has helped your business grow? Because it seems like it’s happened so significantly, especially in the last like four or five years.

Chris Martinez
Yeah, and honestly, I just think it’s just consistency and just always showing up, right? Whether it’s like, we want to or not right, and just kind of goes back to you know, serving other people and making it about them. Right. So yeah, honestly, like, I really like basing off just our social media just off just you guys have heard it right. Just know, like trust or know love trust, right, you got to get a stranger to a friend to a buyer. And, you know, to me, it’s like, I’m always putting out like content, you know, make deposits in their bank account to just build up that trust. And I always just like, you know, for me, I’ve I always tell people just look at social media as like business media, I think too many people look at it as just like social media and just scrolling scrolling. So as soon as you understand to become like the content creator, you know, and not the consumer. It just makes things so much easier to distribute. But us it just goes back to hiring coaches, right? Like, we’ve been no stranger to that we’ve hired several social media coaches, because we understood that it’s like, we don’t know enough, we need to expedite this learning curve, we need to learn from other people that have like these ninja tips and just outside eyes. So yeah, in just implementation, you know, test and test some more

I would say to like, I mean, like we’ve always said to like, when you if you have something like this, you are absolutely blessed, like literally blessed and privileged, you know, and it’s like, I always say like, in a way to not come off like strong but it’s like How dare you not put out like your type of work out there to serve people and help them out. You know, because so many people are focused on putting out their a plus work and saying, I’m a perfectionist, and I can’t do it because it has to be perfect or I gotta have my hair done or my makeup and stuff like that and say, oh no. How dare you You put out your B plus work, your B plus work has to be so much more impactful than you trying to like sit there and put on your A plus work. And if you have this iPhone right here, you’re so blessed to be able to get that out there to the world.

Eric Martinez
Yeah. And just by an understanding to take imperfect action, you know what I mean? Like, nothing will ever be perfect.

Rory Carruthers
Yeah. Very good advice, guys.

Dominica Lumazar
Very sound advice. Oh, my gosh,

Chris Martinez
thank you. You

Dominica Lumazar
guys better be taking notes. all of y’all listening

Eric Martinez
to this on the mic.

Dominica Lumazar
That’s amazing. Oh, my gosh, take imperfect action. That’s the quote for this whole episode right here. Wow. Well, I’m curious what turns you guys into, like fitness professionals into, like, really? You guys, you do incredible marketing. Was there something specific in building your business in that journey in that process? Where you thought, you know what we can help other professionals turn their own business into success? What was that like leap? Or was there an event that happened there?

Chris Martinez
Yeah, I think it all started when we were in Tai Lopez’s mastermind. So I think that was 2016 where we were just kind of getting to that point where we were doing a lot of health and fitness coaching and just that we needed to either scale it or we needed to kind of pivot. And I remember that’s like that’s where we met Rory was through like that mastermind. So if it wasn’t for that mastermind, we wouldn’t have like, you know, met Rory and learned all this stuff from him to remember, we had this this discussion to Rory, there’s like a need for that. And that’s kind of where like the future was going like for us in our business. So I would say it was probably Tai Lopez’s mastermind, where it’s like that was that real big like epiphany where we’re like, hey, like, we can see us, you know, being the coaches to these trainers because we’ve had so much success and so much experience and we can sit there and be those type of people for them.

Eric Martinez
Yeah, and I’m gonna say hands down. It was your Rory like it was you that really impacted us in like, I remember like, like, we didn’t know anything like about like, like marketing business like advertising, any systems automation ever, you literally like came in as like a mentoring guide. And I am forever grateful, you know, for you, because you like lit this fire in us to where I didn’t even know that was in us to have that kind of courage from going to be in fitness coaches, to business coaches. And I’m like, I always refer back I’m like, Rory was such a great mentor. Like, we just we bug the hell out of that guy. We probably annoyed. But we were so interested, so interested by just like, everything that you knew all your knowledge, all your experience. So I would say I give I tip my hat to you for that. Absolutely.

Rory Carruthers
Well, thank

you guys, I appreciate you saying that. But, you know, it’s one thing to give you information. It’s another thing to take action on. And you guys actually took action on it. It’s the same. You know, like, when I give Dominica ideas, too. I’m like, you know, try this out, see if it works. You know, and she does. And that’s the key is like, we don’t always know, 100%, what’s going to work right? As a business coach, because every markets different, every audience is different. But then, you know, you say, Okay, here’s my best ideas, go and implement. And if you actually do, and you’re consistent about it, like you guys have said, you know, be consistent. And if you take imperfect action, that’s really the key. And you can see the fruits of that success now, but I’m sure when I was telling you go do these things. You guys were probably just like ugggh!

Dominica Lumazar
I remember a few conversations. Yeah. Do we have to? Give it a try. We don’t know until we try. Right?

Chris Martinez
Yeah. And that’s the thing. You said it right. It’s just it’s a huge testing game. It’s like nobody has the black and white answer. But you know, some do perceive themselves or position themselves to do so. And that’s great. But it’s like it, then you have to just sit there and test things out.

Dominica Lumazar
Yes, it can be a long road

Chris Martinez

Eric Martinez
never ending.

Rory Carruthers
And just before we jumped on, I was just saying, you know, like a client had reached out. And they’re like, we want to try ads for a month. And I’m like, No, like, the months not long enough to get to actually go through and and think about like, Okay, you’ve got to get your ads, right. You got to make sure like your images are right, your copies, right, your videos are right, you know, that’s one aspect, but then your landing pages, your, you know, your full funnel that people go through? Or upsells Are they the correct ones? How is it transitioning into getting new, higher ticket clients? Like, it’s all this, you know, scaling and process to it? a months not, you know, unless you’re gonna dump 100 grand into your ad budget, it’s not gonna happen, you know, not with a 500 or $1,000 ad budget.

Chris Martinez
Yeah. And I see where a lot of people make mistakes, too. Like, that’s what our students say to us, like, Oh, can we start running ads and stuff they think that’s like the most like magical thing, but we tell them do like, you guys don’t even have your personal brands like set up. So like, that’s the first thing people are gonna do is like, they’re gonna go to your Instagram or your Facebook profile. If you don’t have that primed and that’s not positioned how you want, there going to be like who the hell are these people like trying to sell me something, you know, and it’s just going to be kind of money thrown out.

Rory Carruthers
Yeah. So what I want to ask is because you guys have been killing it on Instagram. What are a few strategies that any business owner could use to improve their Instagram marketing

Chris Martinez
Yeah, and that’s a great question and thanks for you know the comment on that. So I still think we’re like man, like, still behind and we still need like a lot of work to do but

I got to give credit to Eric he’s on the heels most of the Instagram stuff so all right, he’s on top of it.

Eric Martinez
Finally he admits it. I think a really good just like, like action thing someone can do. And we teach this in one of our programs is literally just I came up with this acronym called virs, so it’s V.I.R.S. And if you just literally write that down on a white piece of paper, the V stands for valuable. The I stands for intentional, and the R stands for relatable. And then the S stands for shareable. So if you rate this or post, whether it’s a standalone post a video, from a one to 10, is this valuable? Is it intentional? Is it speaking to a specific person that has a specific pain point or problem? Is it shareable? You know, is it relatable? Is there some story behind it? Is there like a case study? That I think that it makes things so much easier? So always just show up? Like, am I adding value? And you can always just ask yourself before any posts like, is this post going to inspire someone? Or is it just is it going to kind of make someone like, like, kind of question like, like, I don’t know about this, huh? Yeah, right.

Chris Martinez
I would say to kind of throw my my two cents in. People don’t understand with Instagram like there’s seven neighborhoods in there. Yeah, they think that Oh, you only have to post a picture or video. But there’s literally seven neighborhoods. So you can do your posts, whether it’s a standalone post of an image or a video, you have Instagram Live Instagram TV, you have stories, you have the DM’s you have reels now. And then you have like your story reels that go like on your guys’s grid. So it’s like seven different places that you can post content and get clients off of and I think people just really look at it as just like, Oh, I got to put a picture or a video on so they don’t really understand the game of Instagram.

Eric Martinez
Yeah, and I’ll go one more, I want to give your guys’s audience a lot of value. So one more is, it’s called like the five pillars of no like trust, right? We have our students go through this exercise where literally it’s five things that like your you know, that you stand for, that you teach in your business and that you stick your flagpole in the ground and are unapologetic about. So for example, like if it was like for us, like when we used to coach fitness, right? Our entire five pillars was exercise, nutrition, mindset, habits and lifestyle. That was like a five pillar rotation to just like, you know, do different tests on whether it’s videos, standalone posts, and what that did was it took a lot of stress and anxiety off of us quality over quantity, and just be more intentional. And that’s important.

Dominica Lumazar
You guys are so good. I’m so proud

Rory Carruthers
perfect, valuable advice, because so many people, myself included, don’t view Instagram in that way. You know, it’s like, okay, yeah, there’s all these different aspects to it. You know, there’s, like you said, there’s seven different places that you can post stuff and engage with people. That’s what’s really

Dominica Lumazar
That’s why I handle Instagram for us. But yes, it’s amazing how much how many different ways there are to post?

Chris Martinez
Yeah, yeah, it’s a monster.

Dominica Lumazar
So aside from helping so many individuals grow their business, I’m wondering, have you experienced just in your coaching, where people run into sort of this wall where they have an issue with breaking through self limiting beliefs? Is that something you’ve experienced?

Chris Martinez
Oh, absolutely. That’s I mean, we deal with it every single day with students, whether it’s a potential student, where we just have a call with to see if they’re a good fit for our program, but it’s literally like the internal and external self limiting beliefs that we have little voice right here that’s telling us you’re not good enough, and you’re not competent enough and imposter syndrome. So it’s like imposter syndrome, fear of getting started fear of failure, in comparison in money mindset of scarcity. So five different real like internal imposter syndrome people deal with, and then you got the external ones, where it’s like, you have family members and friends saying, like, oh, they’re laughing at you, or it’s not good enough or use excuses of like, you know, there’s not enough time or it’s a bad economy. So it’s constantly all these self limiting beliefs that are going on. And I tell my students, look, I don’t have like the black and white like answer or the right equation for this. It’s just, it’s one of those things where you’re always going to deal with we still deal with it, you know, and we’ve been at this for 10 years and done a lot of stuff, but we still have that little voice telling us, you know, hey, like, you guys aren’t good enough. Like you shouldn’t do this, but you just learned to deal with it. And there’s really no way you’re going to ever really get rid of it. You know. So that’s the best advice that kind of have with that. But it’s just, it’s one of those things that messes with your head all the time.

Eric Martinez
We’re such big proponents on just building your EQ, you know, and just like as an entrepreneur, you have to you know, you have to really build up your EQ and just EQ on your mental on it.

Rory Carruthers
Want to explain what EQ is.

Eric Martinez
Yeah, emotional resiliency. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Emotional resiliency, mental toughness. I mean, any way you want to put it but you know, we have to really just focus on, you know, just working on our inner world first, right, just really, really controlling that. And then we can focus more on the outer world. So you know, that’s where I think all that stems from. And for me, that’s why I’m such a big proponent on just a morning routine, because that gives me the ability to sit there in, grab myself, whether it’s like 30 minutes, 60 minutes, and just really prime my mind to play offense and not defense. Because when we wake up every morning, most of us are in reactive mode, you know, with our phones, we’re checking emails, we’re checking social media, and that’s not the healthiest thing, right? So we’re getting triggered by all these little things. And that’s just going to carry over to other things like you know, hating your job, maybe you’re in a bad relationship. So the sooner we can kind of just like ground ourselves and just like prime our minds to, you know, set out to the world and just go serve others help people play offense, not defense, I think that it’s gonna have such a tremendous carryover, just like you as an entrepreneur and your business.

Dominica Lumazar
What are a few things that you do in the morning,

Chris Martinez
so I got my coffee first, okay.

Dominica Lumazar
Caffeine flowing,

Chris Martinez
that’s a must, right? The first hour those like, dedicated to myself, where it’s like, I’m studying, I’m reading. And I’m reading like, on anything on business or anything that I’m like, really like, studying as far as like a skill, whether it’s copywriting, storytelling, whatever it is, but that’s my hour to myself to where it’s just like very peaceful. It’s quiet, I’m studying, I get to get some creative juices going. And I go into maybe like a stretch or a foam roll, I go for a walk to kind of clear my mind, and I come back and have breakfast. And that’s literally like a 90 to 120 minute kind of like time to myself and then by time it’s eight o’clock, I’m ready to rock and roll, you know, and if I don’t do that, he knows I get very kind of like, irritated and just like hey, like, you know, there’s something missing in my day, you know,

Dominica Lumazar
twin Zilla comes out like,

Chris Martinez
yeah, it’s horrible.

Rory Carruthers
What do you do?

Eric Martinez
It’s pretty much the same thing. But he wakes up what half an hour earlier like half? Yeah, so I’m like, No, I can’t get up that early. I’m good. So I do the same thing. Just wake up, just hydrate myself. And then literally, like, again, get my coffee, go back upstairs, read for at least 45 minutes, whether it’s just something in terms of marketing leadership, maybe it’s more for like the inner work, like I mentioned. And then I’d like to journal I like to have like a gratitude journal and just write three things I’m grateful for and what’s my mantra for the day and then maybe five minutes of meditation, it’s hard for me to really focus on anything longer than that. Just really just kind of just like, you know, deep breath, a couple of deep breaths, and just like, you know, what are the intentions for the day and then just, again, do some stretch work, go out for a walk, and then that’s it. Just kind of just get the day started.

Dominica Lumazar
That sounds so lovely. I have a two and a half year old, I can’t and Rory has two kids. So I’m thinking like, okay, so for those that are listening, who have kids, do you have any advice on how to handle that?

Chris Martinez
I think that you just threw us a curveball. That’s telling ya. Try to get up early. Or I tell people it doesn’t have to be in the morning. Sometimes, like as long as you have like an hour like throughout that day. Maybe it’s like midday, maybe it’s like a wind down routine, you know, but as long as you have like that me time, whether it’s like 30 to like 90 minutes of your time yourself so you can kind of take care of your needs. I mean, that’s the best advice I can give. I don’t have kids. I don’t know if I could manage it.

Dominica Lumazar
That’s perfect advice. It doesn’t have to happen in the morning.

Chris Martinez
Yeah, I think everybody thinks that. Right? Yeah.

Eric Martinez
Well, you have a little Pomeranian so that’s that’s close

Chris Martinez
she she’s something else too

Dominica Lumazar
what’s her name?

Chris Martinez

Dominica Lumazar

Chris Martinez
Oh, cute. She’s cute. She’s very cute on camera. But man, she’s a little she knows it too.

Dominica Lumazar
If you weren’t in this profession. What would you be doing right now?

Chris Martinez
I think Eric would still be taking some acting classes in Hollywood.

Dominica Lumazar
Oh, whoa.

Chris Martinez
No kidding.

Eric Martinez
Hollywood looks like it’s kind of dead.

Rory Carruthers
Well, you guys did a lot of

Dominica Lumazar
commercials. I was like an Amex commercial or something you guys did? Was it Citibank, Citibank? Oh, my goodness.

Look at you guys,

Chris Martinez
And there’s a playstation one, too, right.

Dominica Lumazar
I was watching it on TV and stopped. It was like, What Chris and Eric?

Chris Martinez
perks of live in LA. Yeah.

Eric Martinez
We would always tell Rory like hey, we we just were going on auditions and this and that. So yeah, that was for a long time.

Dominica Lumazar
Wow. Oh, my god guys

Rory Carruthers
so you got out of doing that then.

Eric Martinez
Yeah. And especially when the pandemic hit, they’re just like, it was just done. You know, for us. It was just one of the big blessings. We said, like we’ve gotten asked this question a couple times. And other podcasts are like, what’s the biggest blessing just like that you recognize, like, like through this pandemic, and we said, just kind of like, the simplicity of life and just how how we were just like, going 100 miles an hour living in LA and it was good for the time being it was a good experience. But thinking back I mean, it was extremely overwhelming. And just I don’t think we could have kept up with that and had the bandwidth and to you know, at least get our business to where we are now. So yeah, you know, just going from auditions to being in traffic going to the gym to do an in person interviews. It was just A lot, you know, to where I just think back on like, wow, like how the heck did we do that?

Rory Carruthers
Yeah, that LA traffic is killer. So I remember, I had a job in LA and I was living in Orange County. And it took me two and a half hours just to get to my job.

Chris Martinez
Yeah. Like that was such a waste.

Rory Carruthers
Yeah. Like, in every You’re right, everything goes so fast there. Yeah. You know, you feel like you’re stressed constantly the whole time. You don’t get any time to relax and everything. You know, especially at that point in my life to me, everything was so expensive. I was just like, Oh,

Chris Martinez
yeah, seriously, it’s, it’s very hard to get ahead there. It really is, you know, the cost of living and like for what you get for your money, like just living wise. Like, I mean, where we live here in Texas, like this thing would be like, literally easily over a million dollars. I can get an LA and it’s just crazy. You know, for what you pay for in LA.

Dominica Lumazar
You guys are originally from Santa Rosa.

Chris Martinez
Right? Yeah. Northern California. Yeah.

Dominica Lumazar
I lived there. Three, four years. Yeah. I don’t know if I if you guys know this, but we my husband and I, we moved to Colorado a few months ago. And in large part totally similar to what you guys were talking about. We grew up like in Santa Cruz, right. Like in in the South Bay still, but we were just so tired. We moved into Santa Clara County, like in San Jose area, live there for eight years. And we’re like, just can’t do it another day. Pandemic be damned. We’re out of here we can’t do it. So when I saw that you guys move to Texas. I was like, Yes. I get it. Yeah, it’s that rat race is pretty intense. Yeah.

Chris Martinez
Yeah. But to answer your question, though, like, if we weren’t in this profession, I don’t know. It’s just man. We love coaching. You know, like, at the end of the day, we just we love coaching, whether it’s fitness, whether it’s business, and I don’t think this is going to be the last stop of coaching. I think like, eventually we’ll get to something towards like, more mindset or like personal growth or something like that. Maybe intertwined with everything. I don’t know. But it’s hard to think of anything else besides like coaching people and really helping them get from like, literally from the present to the future where they want to go,

Eric Martinez
Yeah, I got something I’m honestly like, even before, like, when I was like, around, like maybe 16 years old, like I was really into just wanting to be like a an athletic trainer for like a sports team. Whether it was like NFL basketball, I was just really fascinated by that. But it’s like, man, how cool that’d be to, you know, just, you know, train professional athletes, and just, like, just get them all good and everything. So, yeah, that was a big one, too. And I even considered like even maybe like, like chiropractic type stuff. I just I’ve always been fascinated by just like getting people out of pain. So

Dominica Lumazar
that’s okay. That’s profound in and of itself. That’s huge.

Rory Carruthers
Yeah. And then, you know, you look at all of those things. Everything’s still in alignment with health and fitness with you guys.

Chris Martinez

Eric Martinez
it’s funny how that works.

Rory Carruthers
Yeah. For myself, you know, when we’ve done that question on ourselves, it’s like, well, you know, I’d be racing cars or something, you know, something completely different than the marketing not, you know, and not because I don’t want to be doing what I’m doing. It’s just that was, you know, from, like, four years old what I wanted to do. And I know Dominica you you wanted to focus more on music, right?

Dominica Lumazar
Yeah, I mean, Rory, you mean, you guys know this Rory has allowed for me to live out my Rockstar dreams. It’s been so fun. I also really love coaching. And I also really enjoy seeing that process. And people having their big aha moments and these life transforming events. It’s an honor to be a part of watching someone break through these growth plateaus. Right. And so it’s pretty cool. And so I think I’d be doing something in that capacity as well, whether it was like in the music industry, or what we’re doing now. So, yeah, it’s all around just back to how you guys started this whole podcast, because you guys are so awesome. Just talking about focusing on helping other people. And that’s what we love to do. And that’s why we’re here having this conversation.

Rory Carruthers
You guys have a podcast as well. So tell us a little bit about that.

Eric Martinez
Yeah, it’s been four years with that. It’s crazy. Just to think about that, too. It’s called the dynamic lifestyle podcast. And like I said, we started four years ago, and it’s just been amazing just to seen that just to see the growth from it and stuff. And now we’re actually just even doing like, you know, two episodes per week, right? So we have like a guest on one time, like one time throughout the week, and we have like a dynamic Friday segment. It’s like shorter form, just like small bites, but it’s been great. Honestly, it’s been such a great learning experience. And I always like telling people to like the big thing about podcasting is this, how much that builds your network up. It’s so underrated and it’s almost like a selfish way to have just like, again, just get in that wisdom for an hour. So like, we’re up to 260 episodes. It’s like the way I look back at the way I look at I’m like man, like 260 amazing people I’ve gotten to interview and just pick their brain and just learn from them. You knowo. So it’s great. I love it, you know, and I again, like I always tell people like you’re getting into it just like, but like, you always have to have that mindset like every master was once a disaster. So you’re gonna, you’re gonna suck at first, but just sets and reps, you’re going to get better and stick with it, you know. So I just think back now I actually took like a screenshot of a picture four years ago, because I’m going to do an Instagram post of like a before and after of like, the podcasts, like studio then and now. It’s just hilarious. Like, we were doing it standing on a desk, we had headphones on, like, it’s really cool. It’s really cool to see the journey,

Dominica Lumazar
your own transformational growth.

Chris Martinez
Yeah, exactly, exactly.

Dominica Lumazar
I think it’s important for business owners and entrepreneurs to look back at those days, and those times how far I’ve come look at what I’ve accomplished. It’s incredible to do that. And so, so, so important, really glad you brought that up.

Chris Martinez
It is because just like as entrepreneurs, like we just kind of like intentionally, they sometimes beat ourselves up, you know, it’s just like, nothing’s ever enough, you don’t really go back and look at your track record of the things you accomplished, right? It’s always like, you’re so focused on like, the next project and wanting success from that, but you don’t realize some of the stuff you accomplish and did in the past or help people out, right. So that’s something I have a really hard time doing, too. I’m always on to the next thing. And I don’t realize the impact I made from like the last thing, but it’s like, you got to slow down and be like, wow, like, Look what you did, you know?

Eric Martinez
Yeah, absolutely. But yeah, the whole podcasting thing has been great. And honestly, I just, I think it’s made us like, become really good listeners, and just very patient, you know, just like interviewing people in person, and just like, you know, very just like big name influential people, too. So yeah, it’s good. You know, honestly, like, we see that going for a long time, we have a lot of big plans with that.

Rory Carruthers
I also want to point out, so because I was there through the beginning of the podcast, and you guys really like, you know, getting more comfortable with video and stuff like that. The transformation of what we were working with in the beginning, with videos, and how you guys were on camera, and how you did things to now. I mean, it’s phenomenal. It really is. Thank you, thank you. And for anyone who is looking at this and going Oh, like, you know, Chris and Eric are so polished on camera or whatever. I mean, it’s been a journey to get there. You guys were not like this in the beginning. But as you said before, you took imperfect action, you put it out there, you just kept doing and getting better and better learning from your mistakes. And then now you guys are reaping the rewards of that effort.

Chris Martinez
Yeah, and, you know, still until this day, I think that we are still students, and we still have work to do to get better, you know, and that’s just kind of the mindset you have to have, you know, I don’t care if you’ve been doing this for 10 years, like we got to get better and better. That’s just the mindset you have to have as an entrepreneur. And it’s like, I always tell people, like if you’re having a bad day, go to our YouTube channel, and like, look at some of the videos we did in 20 2010. You’ll laugh your asses off. I mean, it’s just incredible. Like just all these little things, and like how we just how we talk and the style of it. It’s just like, you know, it’s part of the process, though.

Dominica Lumazar
Totally. And here you are. And in another four years, you’ll look back and be like, look at what we did

Chris Martinez
exactly, probably say probably.

Dominica Lumazar
Well, guys, this has been so so so awesome. Thank you again, for taking the time with us. I believe you have a special offer for our listeners you want to tell us all about?

Eric Martinez
Absolutely, yeah. So we’re giving out our book. It’s called Rise of the fit pros how to create more income impact influence and independence. And it’s obviously tailored for a fitness professional or aspiring just like you know, personal trainer or anyone in that coaching room. But I always tell people to there’s a lot of good information in there and value in frameworks and concepts when it comes to marketing, branding, social media, all that stuff to where anybody can really get value from it. So we’re giving out the digital version in the audio version completely free. So you guys can get a copy of that at

Dominica Lumazar
Awesome. And how can people get connected with you guys if they want? All your?

Eric Martinez
Absolutely just Instagram probably is like the best place at Chris and Eric Martinez. Check out our podcast dynamic lifestyle podcast. And then yeah, I think that’s it.

Dominica Lumazar
Awesome. And we will have all the links for you guys in our show notes. So you’ll be sure to check all those things out. Trust me, you really want to connect with these guys. They are phenomenal. Thank you so much, again for being here. And I would love to have you guys back in the near future to see what you’re up to soon. So thanks.

Chris Martinez
Thanks, guys. And thank you guys to again just for everything you’ve taught us and you know, your guys’s patience, you know, with those couple years we work together and just everything you know, thank you guys so much. We truly appreciate it. We are truly grateful.

Rory Carruthers
Very happy to to be a part of your successes and helping you get there. And thank you guys for coming on the podcast today.

Eric Martinez
Thanks Rory thanks Dominica.

Dominica Lumazar

Rory Carruthers
Hey, thanks so much for joining us on the next episode of the big picture business podcast. I make a crazy statement. Organic marketing is dead. Is that just clickbait or is it true? You’re gonna have to tune in to find out so in the meantime, make sure to leave us a review on Apple podcasts. It actually does help us with the podcast to reach a larger audience. So we’ll see in the next one


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